Why we won't create a Discord server, Slack workspace, or Facebook group

In launching DigitalParenting.com, many of you have suggested other ways that we can enable communication between parents. All of these are great ideas! I also have spoken with a lot of parents that have said something like, “I wish I could get off of Facebook, but there is this one group I have to stay connected to”.

If a parent wants to spend less time (or no time) on Facebook, Slack, Discord, or any platform that enables this type of communication, I want to support them in that decision. That is why we wanted to create a standalone community at DigitalParenting.com. It would have been cheaper for us to use one of the “free” methods, but it wouldn’t have been the best decision for all of you. We were willing to spend the money to create a community that you can use without guilt.

We also chose to remove some of the real-time communication features of this platform, because we all could use less notifications in our lives.